
Exactly one week after Ralph Adams won the Grand Prize 1939 Knucklehead from the WTTM annual raffle he and his wife Denise claimed his prize, and rode it!  All the stars lined up. He bought his tickets in June, his new trailer in July, prayed in August, Sept, and Oct. Then on November 14th he got the call and picked up his beauty seven days later. Ralph was instructed by museum founder Dale Walksler on the details of starting and riding the glorious 39 Knuck. Ralph took to it like a duck to water. Both hands on the bars, then one hand. Before you knew it he was shifting on the tank, clutching with the foot, and having the time of his life.Ralph and Denise visit WTTM each year on their annual ride in the Smokies and each year Ralph gets a hand full of raffle tickets and his WTTM merchandise.

Just goes to show you that anyone can win- AND YOU CAN TOO!!!